The world is burning, what are we doing about it?

 The Australian wildfires have been denounced as one of the worst series of wildfires in modern history. They say “more than 46 million acres were scorched. An estimate in January said 1.25 billion animals were affected.” (Givetash). As I read more deeply into the matter, I’ve realized how easy it is for these fires to come back if precautions aren’t taken properly. According to the Worldwildlife, these destructive fires killed and displaced more than 3 billion animals: including 143 million mammals, 2.46 billion reptiles, 180 million birds, 51 million frogs. 

(Douglas Thron)

Scientists around the world predict that if nothing is done to get ahead of these wildfires, they will become more frequent in the foreseeable future. Not only will they be more frequent, but also more devastating. This is all because of the rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leading to harsher weather conditions. Billions of animals are dying because of the outcomes of these fires. If the habitat and ecosystems of those animals aren’t taken better care of, the future success of those species is questionable.

                                                                (Andrew Merry)

    Something that puts a smile on my face is knowing that New Hampshire is currently installing weather stations to assist in wildfire prevention across the state. This automated solar-powered system will give data on weather conditions. It will allow scientists to know: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall measurements, solar radiation levels, fuel temperature, and moisture. (Northern NH). This data according to Unionleader will be used by fire prevention professionals to calculate and warn of wildfire risk on a daily basis. (Northern NH). New Hampshire is taking the lead in preventing catastrophic wildfires in its beautiful nature. Hopefully, other states start making similar moves to prevent wildfires from happening again. If nothing is done about these fires, climate change will happen faster and many ecosystems and species of animals will perish.

    (David Kullgren)


Givetash, Linda. “Australian wildfires declared among the 'worst wildlife disasters in modern history.'” ABC news, 28 7 2020, Accessed 6 1 2021.

Kullgren, David. “Northern NH weather station to assist in wildfire prevention.” Union Leader, Union Leader Corp, 13 12 2020, Accessed 6 1 2021.

Merry, Andrew. “3 billion animals harmed by Australia’s fires.” World Wild Life, WWF, 28 7 2020,'s%20bushfire%20crisis%20was%20one,displaced%20nearly%203%20billion%20animals. Accessed 6 1 2021.

“Northern NH weather station to assist in wildfire prevention.” New Hampshire Union Leader, Union Leader Corp, 13 12 2020, Accessed 6 1 2021.

Thron, Douglas. “3 billion animals harmed by Australia’s fires.” World Wild Life, WWF, 28 7 2020,'s%20bushfire%20crisis%20was%20one,displaced%20nearly%203%20billion%20animals. Accessed 1 6 2021.

Vernick, Daniel. “3 billion animals harmed by Australia’s fires.” Worldwildlife, WWF, 28 7 2020,'s%20bushfire%20crisis%20was%20one,displaced%20nearly%203%20billion%20animals. Accessed 6 1 2021.


  1. This is a good post with good information about what our state and what people around the world are doing. Are there other parts of the world other than Australia where bad wildfires are happening?

    1. The USA has also had issues on fires. California is an example of such where they have been struggling really hard with controlling those fires.

  2. Mateo, I was really intrigued learning about the wildfires happening in Australia. It is so devastating to hear about. Have you heard of any organizations helping out with the aftermath of the fires? I wonder what is being done after everything calms down?

    1. Many country's have partnered help to help Australia with their fires. Hopefully this keeps going on.

  3. What do you think the weather stations would do to help prevent forest fires? Is it just about telling people when they shouldn't have fires in their houses? Has Australia done anything similar since their forest fires?

    1. Yes they have. These towers will allow people to know the risk of fires in certain areas. Making people be more diligent on days fires can be more prevalent.

  4. Mateo, I like how you were able to show the steps that we are taking to secure us from the wildfires, I think that it is interesting how because of global warming almost everywhere on the planet can be subject to wildfires.


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