
Showing posts from December, 2020

The underwater cities are dying!

     I’ve been watching a couple ted talks there and then since the last blog post, and really have gotten intrigued by the oceans and their complex and beautiful fish homes, Corals. Coral Reefs are underwater colonies that hold entire ecosystems in their groups, without them, many fish species and areas of the ocean would die.  Around the world, Coral Reefs have been slowly dying for multiple reasons. The increase in the temperature of the ocean, pollution, waste, and plastic. All of these factors have affected large areas of coral reefs such as the Great Barrier Reef in 2017. These bleaching events can kill up to 90% of entire colonies. ( Coral Bleaching ).                                                                                 (Scott Reef) When corals bleach, they start to release their colors, where the bleaching names come from. Ocean temperatures have to stabilize once again so that these corals can thrive again. Because without them, our shorelines would be getting hit h

Your Footprint on this Planet.

     This week, I read an article about what each individual could do to help prevent climate change, a global crisis occurring in our day and age. This article “What you can do to help prevent climate change, according to exports” was written by Julia Jacobo on ABCNews.  (Picture of healthy nature in Autumn) According to Jacobo, Humans have emitted more than 555 gigatons of carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution. “Jason Smerdon, a climate scientist for Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, told ABC News.” that “since the Industrial Revolution, more than 555 gigatons of carbon have been emitted into the atmosphere, Smerdon said, adding that scientists have determined a "climate budget" of another 100 to 150 gigatons that can be released before the Earth begins to warm more than 1.5 degrees Celsius -- when we will experience more extreme weather patterns, such as severe heat waves.”(Jacobo). As an individual, there are many things you can do to he